A New Beginning

a New Beginning

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A couple of weeks ago I told you that my season had changed and why change was coming to the blog. I’ve been working behind the scenes the past couple of weeks on the redesign and rebranding of the new blog. I wanted to take a moment today to thank each of you for choosing Time 2 $ave whether it be just for one visit or if you were a faithful reader over the years. One thing is for sure I could never have done it without each of you. 

Time 2 $ave helped to sustain me during some of the most difficult seasons of my life. When God says that he chooses the weak things of this world to confound the wise, in my situation this was certainly true. I was at the weakest point in my life both physically and emotionally, yet God made me a promise in my life that He was faithful to fulfill. I remember crying out to him one night in prayer when I was hurting so badly from my marriage falling apart and losing my father. He took me to Genesis 41:52. (The second son he named Ephraim and said, “It is because God has made me fruitful in the land of my suffering.”) I heard him so specifically speak to me through my heartbreak that He would make me fruitful in the land of my suffering.

I take no credit in my ability, however with God anything is possible. Through the past seven years, God has opened doors for me through Time 2 $ave that I never dreamed possible. I was just a homeschool mom from Tennessee trying to make ends meet when my family faced financial troubles. I didn’t know what a blog was, I had never done any media in my life, was terrified to speak in public, had no desire ever to write a book, and had never traveled alone. But God. 

Through Time 2 $ave:

  • I had a weekly TV segment on WDEF for a year and a half.
  • I wrote a syndicated column for Scripps News Service that went out on the wire all over the US for a year.
  • I was on several other local TV segments and radio stations.
  • I was on two national TV spots, several national radio stations, as well as national online publications.
  • I was signed by a literary agent and a major Christian Publisher to write a book.
  • I was a featured speaker at several Women’s Expo’s across the Southeast for Scripps Newspapers.
  • Over 5 Million visitors to my blog.
  • Over 15 Million page views to my blog.
  • I’ve had the privilege of working with countless PR companies and brands.

All from a company I never intended to start. You never know what God will do through you when you are willing to follow his call. The past seven years has been an incredible journey. But today is a day that I celebrate new possibilities, new beginnings, and a new call to follow. After wrestling with God and dealing with much fear I am stepping out in faith. Today, I will retire Time 2 $ave. I will do it afraid! I don’t know the future, but I know who holds my future, and He is trustworthy. Tomorrow when you come to Time 2 $ave it will be KaseyTrenum.com. You’ll find a newly designed blog with a new color scheme. It’s still me, just an updated version. I hope you’ll stick around. I have so much on my heart to share with you!

new season


If you missed my first post, you can find it here.


  1. I can totally understand where you are coming from. I am going through a similar situation but God is leading me in a different direction. I have enjoyed your blog from the beginning and will continue to do so. May God continue to guide you and bless you 🙂

    1. Thank you so much for taking the time to comment, Laurie. God is so faithful to give us wisdom and direction when we step out in faith to follow him. Thank you so much for your support over the years. I appreciate it so much! Blessings to you!

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