Diabetes & Unspoken Committments


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I’ve shared in previous posts, our journey with my daughter’s diagnosis with Type I Diabetes. Although, I am very thankful that it is a treatable disease and she can live a long healthy life, we have had to make adjustments. Our days are filled with finger pricks, carb counting, and insulin dosing. I am not a diabetes expert, doctor, or educator. Instead, a wife to a Type I Diabetic for 16 years and mamma to a Type I Diabetic for six years.

I had the unique experience of walking with my husband on this journey for eleven years before our daughter’s diagnosis. I heard first hand from him how certain comments or expectations from others affected him. Having his input has been a priceless blessing in disguise. As a result, I share with you our unspoken commitments we have made to our daughter.

  1. We will never shame her or make her feel responsible for having diabetes.
  2. We will always try to be flexible and remember that she is a little girl first; her identity is not found in diabetes.
  3. We will not whisper to our friends or strangers that she has diabetes in front of her. We never want her to feel ashamed of what she cannot control. If they need to know, we will explain out loud by her side and/or give her an opportunity to share.
  4. We will lovingly educate our friends and family who are integral parts of my daughter’s life about diabetes.
  5. We will be understanding when she doesn’t feel well as a result of low or high blood sugar. Chores and school responsibilities are still expected to be completed. However, we will offer flexibility when needed. (Not a free pass).
  6. We do not offer rewards or incentives based on “good blood sugar readings,” there are too many variables that are outside of her control. We do not believe it would be fair. Instead, rewards/incentives are b,ased on choices, just like any other child without diabetes.
  7. We will always encourage her to try new things, new adventures, or new sports. We understand that it may mean more finger pricks, insulin adjustments, etc. however, we will not make decisions based on our convenience.
  8. We will do everything that we can to make her life as normal as possible. No, she might not be able to go to a friend’s sleepover until she is older, but we can have a rocking fun sleepover at our house.
  9. The word no does not have to be followed up with “because of your diabetes.” There are so many things that she can do; we will focus on those.
  10. We will always be thankful that diabetes can be managed, even on the toughest of days.
    Please understand, I don’t have it all together and often fail miserably. However, I am committed to making sure that diabetes does not dictate my baby girl’s life. Like I have said before, she might have Diabetes, but it doesn’t have her. If you are taking care of a little one with Diabetes, I’d love to hear from you!!


  1. As a mom to a t1d daughter who is 10 and has been dx’d for 5 years, we have the similar philosophies! She is a child who happens to have diabetes, not a diabetic child. D. does not define my daughter. We, like you, are extremely thankful we live in a country that has easy access the insulin and it is a disease that can be managed. Well said! Thanks for spreading awareness.

  2. I am a mom to a T1D son who is 8 (dx’d for almost 2 years) and we live by very similar rules. My husband, son and I never sat down and talked about them, we just did what came naturally. My son is the first one to tell everyone that he has diabetes and show them his pump, etc and explain how things work. I am very thankful for the advances in diabetes management and it doesn’t slow him down. He swims and runs 5k races…

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