WonderWorks TN – It’s a Must Do! So Much Fun!


Disclosure: This is a sponsored post, WonderWorks provided my family free admission tickets to facilitate my review. As always all text and opinions are my own.

wonderworks upside down house

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Fun at Wonderworks

A couple of months ago, we went to Pigeon Forge with my in-laws. While we were there, they took my kids to WonderWorks (or the upside-down house as my kids call it) while my hubby and I went on a day out by ourselves. As soon as we met back for dinner, my kids could not stop talking about how much fun they had. I’m not sure either of them came up for a breath once during dinner. They were so excited, and couldn’t wait to go back.

Last week, we took off for a couple of days to Pigeon Forge on a mini vacation. As soon as the kids heard we were going to Pigeon Forge, they started asking about WonderWorks. Personally, I’ve always been fascinated by the exterior,  a three-story building upside down. I couldn’t wait to go inside.

ceiling in upside down house

When you first walk in, the “upside-down” theme is continued. I took this picture of the ceiling of the foyer. Before beginning our journey through the 100 interactive exhibits, we walked through an inversion tunnel, as we had to be reoriented to the environment since the building is upside down. First stop, the disaster zone.

WonderWorks exhibits

In the disaster zone, we were able to experience first-hand the 1989 San Francisco earthquake in the Quake Café, as well as winds reaching 65 miles per hour in Hurricane Hole. My kids were most intrigued by the Tesla Coil where my hubby and I became a human lightning rod. With special gloves, we touched 100, 000 volts of electricity. So cool, you couldn’t even feel it!

climbing wall

Don’t laugh! Yes, that’s me. At the very top of the climbing wall. I had never attempted a climbing wall before. I was so excited to make it to the top without embarrassing myself. I’ve never been an athletic girl, so this was a major stretch for me. It felt so good to conquer something I didn’t think I could do.

extreme 360 bikes at wonder world

I would blame the blurry pic on the seven yr. old photographer behind the lens, but it’s not his fault. The EXTREME 360 bikes were so fast. Oh. My. Word. So much fun, we had to pedal as fast as we could to go forward, then stop when it started coasting backward. If we didn’t pedal fast enough, we got stuck upside down. Needless to say, I was pedaling like a mad woman. My kids weren’t quite big enough to ride this yet, but my hubby and I sure enjoyed it!


testing strength by squeezing metal rods

Little man is testing his strength by squeezing the two metal rods. He is especially proud of himself when he saw how strong he was compared to mom. Before I know it, he’ll be stronger than me.

girl playing with space games

This girl knows her astronomy. She aced this interactive science quiz.

ropes course at wonder works

The three-story ropes course was my absolute favorite exhibit. My daughter and I climbed all three levels! I was so proud of her; we had so much fun encouraging each other when one of us got scared. Such a fun bonding moment. So outside of my comfort zone like the climbing wall but so fun and an experience we’ll never forget.

boy on space exhibit

While mommy and sissy were climbing the ropes course, my hubby and son were exploring all the other fun space exhibits. He was able to pretend he was an astronaut in the Mercury capsule as well as fly an F-18 jet and the Discovery Space Shuttle in flight simulators. We just might have a future pilot on our hands.

laying on bed of nails at wonder works

They were both a little apprehensive about the Bed of Nails. However, once they tried it out, they were super excited to tell all their friends that they laid on a bed of 3,500 sharp nails.

extra fun bubble lab

The Bubble Lab was so much fun!

fair out illusion gallery at wonder works

We finished our day at the  Far Out Illusion Gallery. I would highly recommend a time you are in the Pigeon Forge area. There was so much to do, we played for hours and had a blast. What I love most about WonderWorks is how much my kids learned without even realizing it. In fact, they have already asked when they can go back. In addition to the 100 interactive exhibits, there is also an optional Wonders of Magic Show and Wonders of Flight, a giant tethered balloon experience. We saved those for our return trip. If you’d like to learn more about WonderWorks, check out their website or Facebook page for more information.

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