Keto Results After 100 Days of Eating Keto

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So many have asked, so I wanted to share with you my Keto Results After 100 Days of Eating Keto.  While these results don’t happen to everyone, they will for many. As you may already know, I am a huge fan of the keto lifestyle and these are some of the reasons why!

Check out my Keto Results After 100 Days of Eating Keto and find out why this is the best plan and food lifestyle for myself and my family!

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Keto Results After 100 Days of Eating Keto

I started following a Ketogenic lifestyle May 1st after seeing a before and after picture of a friend on Facebook. She literally looked like her body had melted between the two pics, and I’ve continued to see her shrink since. At the time, I was five months postpartum with my fourth child at the age of 42. Although I had lost a good bit of my baby weight already, I was always hungry, and my weight loss had stalled.

Since I had nothing to lose but weight, I jumped in to see what this Keto lifestyle I had heard so much about had to offer. Now, it’s been several years since we started, but those first 100 days were significant to me because I learned why this lifestyle works for me. I thought I’d share what I learned in hopes that my journey might be an encouragement to someone struggling.

How I began my Keto Journey

I honestly didn’t know what I was doing the first week. I searched Pinterest and found a couple of Keto recipes that looked yummy to prepare. It all seemed so foreign to me since I had spent the last 20 years of my life avoiding fat. I thought for sure I would jump on the scale that first week and see that I had gained 10lbs. Each morning as I added heavy whipping cream (something I had never previously bought) and butter to my eggs I would cringe because I didn’t want to gain weight. It went against everything I had believed for so long.

Instead of avoiding cheese, cream cheese, and such I began loading my foods up with fats, and it didn’t take long before I started enjoying the foods I was eating. Fueling my body with fat was such a stark contrast compared to the plain grilled chicken, salads, and broccoli I had been eating for years.

Coping with the Keto Flu

As the week went on, I got hit with the dreaded Keto flu and felt terrible. I wondered then if this was going to be worth it. I felt dizzy, nauseous, and was always tired. My hubby was working long days that week out of town and juggling all four kids alone while feeling yucky was a challenge.

At that point, I knew I had to do more research. I needed to be informed of what was happening inside my body. I researched all available solutions and the science behind why Keto works. I began to listen to podcasts and YouTube videos by Butter Bob, Dr. Eric Berg, and Healthful Pursuit. The more I researched, the more I understood what I was doing, and it all began to make sense.

I recognized eating habits, like eating every two and a half hours to keep my metabolism burning, that wasn’t necessarily true according to the Keto way of eating. At the end of the week, I was shocked to see that I had lost 6lbs while I was eating butter, full-fat cheese, cream cheese, heavy whipping cream, coconut oil, bacon, steak, fat bombs, and such.

The first keto results motivated me

That was motivation enough for me to continue. My hubby saw my results and jumped on board. I literally felt like the fat on my body was melting as the days turned into weeks. It took approx six weeks to two months before the huge energy surge that I had read so much about finally hit and I was fat adapted. At that point, although my weight loss had slowed down, I felt terrific, was enjoying Keto foods, losing inches, and rarely thought about food. It was very freeing not to think about eating every 2 1/2 hours or to feel like I needed to spend hours in the kitchen with meal prep. This way of eating began to feel easy, especially with our busy lifestyle and four kids.

Fighting the temptations

When tempted by bread, sweets, or other carby foods I once enjoyed, I found Keto alternatives. In all honesty, I wasn’t tempted to “cheat” (although I don’t like to call it that) because I felt so good and I was losing weight even though it felt slow compared to many others. In all fairness, I didn’t have much to lose, so that is probably why my weight loss has been more gradual. I would drop 2 lbs then my body would sit at that weight for weeks almost like it was settling in before I would lose again.

I compare it much like stair steps with a landing then more steps before another landing. There were a couple of months where I only lost one pound that month, but it felt like more as I could see my body composition changing. Also, I wasn’t gaining weight, and I was eating incredibly delicious rich foods, so it was worth it.

Making mistakes on my keto journey

After 100 days of following a ketogenic diet without going off plan, we went away for my son’s eleventh birthday. Feeling pretty confident that carbs were dead to me, I decided to sensibly go off Keto to enjoy some of our favorite restaurants and vacation treats while we were out of town. Also, I didn’t want my kids’ memories of their birthday to be that mom would never eat cake.

I did fantastic for our first meal. As our weekend trip continued, it didn’t take long for me to settle back into my old ways of eating but worse. Since I knew I was no longer in Ketosis, and I would be going back to eating Keto when we returned home, I took great advantage of carby foods and sweets.

After a meal, my hubby and I would look at each other and talk about how terrible we felt, but it didn’t deter us at the next meal. And, even though we were stuffed after we ate, quickly after that we were starving again, which meant more carbs, sweets, etc. He noticed that his body was hurting again and he had no energy. I felt constantly bloated and worn down. Even so, they tasted so good we enjoyed all the carbs until our vacation was over.

The Top 8 Keto Results I Learned on my Journey

Afterward, I jumped back on track because I was so disappointed to see a 6lb weight gain that week. Both my hubby and I were ready to get back to Keto, but all the cravings we experienced that first couple of weeks were nipping at our heels again. They weren’t intolerable, but it was disappointing to have to fight them again after being free for so long.

I did get those 6lbs off, and since then I’ve learned more about how my body responds to a day off plan and how to better plan for birthdays, holidays and vacations if I decide to allow for more carbs. Here is what I learned after eating Keto for 100 days straight without going off plan:

  • I love how I feel when I am following a Ketogenic diet. I don’t feel bloated at all, I stay full, and the food isn’t on my mind nearly as often. It is very freeing not to feel like I always have to eat. I love going hours without food crossing my mind.
  • So many eating habits I dealt with were just that….habits. I had to relearn new patterns, which meant I didn’t have to eat burgers with a bun and french fries or chicken fajitas with a tortilla, for example. Just because I had always eaten foods a certain way didn’t mean I couldn’t retrain my brain to eat them differently. It’s been almost a year now since I ate a hamburger with a bun or chicken fajitas with a tortilla and I can honestly say I don’t even think about it anymore.
  • Since I became fat adapted I sleep amazingly well. I love the energy I have during the day, but every single ounce of it leaves my body at bedtime. Sleep had always been somewhat of a struggle to me, but now I fall asleep quickly and sleep deep.
  • Sugar and heavy carb-laden foods are a slippery slope for me.
  • Now and then taking a day off is a healthy break for me, and it allows me to jump right back on track without feeling like I’ve gone backward. That being said, I limit my one day to once a month. There is nothing wrong with not taking a break I just found out what works for me.
  • Keto isn’t a short-term diet to us. We enjoy the benefits so much that we have made it a lifestyle, which creates an entirely different mindset.
  • Weighing every day is a mind game. Weight fluctuates no matter how “good” you are eating. Also, the scale is not the only indicator of success. Weighing once or twice a week is much better for me (although this was a struggle to adjust).
  • One size does not fit all. If I have learned anything over the last several years is that each person is different. We all have our struggles and fight for our victories. It is important not to compare our bodies to others as each person loses at their own pace or to compare our journey with anyone else.

No turning back from the Keto Results in this journey

Now that we are years into this Ketogenic lifestyle we are not turning back. Although we take a rather lazy approach without counting macros (we count net carbs in our head) we know that there are all kinds of different approaches to following a Ketogenic lifestyle. Some are super strict while others are not. One isn’t right and the other wrong. The right lifestyle change is one that you can stick with long term. You do you!


More Keto Lifestyle Tips

If you are looking for keto results of your own, the following are some of our best helps. You can access all of my Keto/Low Carb Recipes in my Keto/Low Carb Recipe Index or follow me on Pinterest for fabulous Keto/Low Carb Recipe Ideas. If you are just getting started following a keto diet and would like more information, there are tons of fantastic resources. Amazon has several great books you may want to check out here.


  1. Hi Kasey,
    I just started the lazy way of keto lifestyle. I’m still a newbie, I’ve noticed you have mentioned you net carb count, would you say or know it’s about the same amount for everyone to be in ketosis? By the way continue on sharing your recipes, I’m an avide follower!

    1. Hi Nathalie,

      Thanks so much for your kind words. Most who follow a ketogenic diet stick to 20-25 net carbs; however, what affects one person adversely might not the next. Thanks so much for sharing my recipes. I appreciate it.

  2. kasey, that is the best article I have read. Am so fed up reading abt people who drop 200 pound in 2 weeks when I am walking down those same steps you did! This is my second attempt. I will keep going because of the message you delivered… Thanks!,!

    1. Wow! I am so very glad that my post was helpful to you. I am 18 months in now and have hit my goal weight and maintaining. 🙂

    1. I am a stay at home mom too. I just quit snacking if I wasn’t hungry. It took a lot of discipline but I wanted results more than I wanted to snack.

  3. I appreciate your common sense approach. It is life changing but doesn’t have to become an obsession. We’re 4 months in right now (my husband has dropped 40lbs and I’m down 25). Any suggestions for what feels like a plateau?

  4. I am interested in starting the Keto way….but I am a little afraid of the Keto Flu. What did you do to overcome that? Are there tips and tricks to help you get through that? I am a more of a carb-aholic than my husband is and feel that I will get hit with it a little harder than him. Thanks for any help!

  5. Hi, I love your site! I’m struggling with my sweet tooth. I have tried several recipes but they have all been meh. What is your favorite dessert recipe that is on the easy side.

  6. Hi Kasey
    Iv just had blood test results back from my doctor and my cholesterol is really high, nothing to do with keto ad iv only started do you think I should continue as it’s so frightening

    1. Hi Tanya, I don’t have any kind of medical training to be able to speak to your situation. I could see that it would be very frightening. I would suggest further research regarding keto and cholesterol as many experience better overall numbers. That being said, it might not be for everyone depending on specific health conditions. That is why research and depending on a physician that you trust are so important. I am just a recipe creator, so I can’t give any advice on health.

  7. I have done on again off again low carb for quite a while. My doc said I was pre-diabetic when I had my last blood work done with A1c of 6,2, I started keto 6 months ago and just had blood work done and A1c is down to 5.7 and I have lost 27 pounds. I feel so much better! I do cheat once in a while but for the most part I don’t want to.

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