Keto Meal Plan Week 5

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Keto Meal Plan

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Many of you have said that it is helpful when I post my Keto Meal Plan for the week. While I can’t promise, I’ll post it every week I will when I can. As I have said before, I take a somewhat lazy approach to meal planning. I don’t prep a lot of food in advance simply because I don’t have the time. Instead, I have found that making extra at meals to cover lunch for the next day is the most helpful step I can take. As always, this is a very loose plan. If I get a better offer for dinner out, I won’t hesitate to alter our meal plan for the week. If you are new to meal planning, these 5 easy steps meal prep ideas will be helpful to get started. Meal planning can be extremely helpful to stay on track and to reduce your grocery bill.

This week will be really busy. We are currently traveling home from a weekend in Ohio honoring my in-laws for their retirement. When we get home my son has a baseball game two evenings then we leave for the beach on Friday. So, my menu this week will be rather limited. On weeks like this, when we won’t be home much, we plan our meals around pantry cooking so that we save money on groceries and we clean out foods in our fridge and pantry. 



Breakfast – Bulletproof coffee

Lunch – Homemade Broccoli & Cheese Soup (stove top recipe here, IP recipe here)

Dinner – BBQ Smoked Sausage & Cabbage (This was on my menu to cook last week but we went out for dinner instead. There were several things as a family we were celebrating so dinner out was more fun than cooking and cleaning.)


Breakfast – Bulletproof Coffee

Lunch – Leftover Broccoli & Cheese Soup

Dinner Pork – Pork Tenderloin in the Crock-Pot (I’m going to add wing it and add a little vegetable broth, a half a stick of butter, and salt and pepper.) with Brussels Sprouts & Bacon 


Breakfast – Bulletproof Coffee

Lunch – Leftovers from either Monday or Tuesday night’s dinner

Dinner – We eat out on Wednesday night so that we can get to church on time.


Breakfast – Bulletproof Coffee

Lunch – We will finish off the rest of the leftovers in the fridge since we will be leaving for the beach in the morning.

Dinner – We will grab dinner out after my son’s baseball game.

Friday – Sunday

We will be out of town but will continue to make good food choices and stay on track. With Keto there are so many wonderful options staying on plan while traveling doesn’t have to be a big deal.

Sweet Treat – Chocolate Chip Cheesecake Muffins


You can access all of my Keto/Low Carb Recipes in my Keto/Low Carb Recipe Index or follow me on Pinterest for fabulous Keto/Low Carb Recipe Ideas. If you are just getting started following a keto diet and would like more information, there are tons of fantastic resources. Amazon has several great books you may want to check out here.



Keto Meal Plan Master List

You can find all of the previous Keto Meal Plan samples in one place. My Keto Meal Plan Master List is updated weekly with all the links to previous meals plans in one place for your convenience.

Helpful Links for the Keto Diet


    1. If you don’t like coconut I would not use coconut flour. You can sub almond flour instead. 1/4 cup coconut flour = 1 cup almond flour

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