How to Make Keto Weight Loss Work When You are Busy!

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A busy life is hard when you are trying to get healthy. That’s why I am sharing some tips for How to Make Keto Weight Loss Work When You are Busy!  It IS possible to lose weight on the keto journey even if you have a very busy lifestyle.

How to Make Keto Weight Loss Work When You are Busy! Check out my tried and true tips for conquering the keto weight loss journey while being a busy mom!

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How to Make Keto Weight Loss Work When You are Busy!

A lot of times people don’t think they will be successful following the ketogenic lifestyle because they are busy. I get being busy as we have four kids of our own. However, we have been following the Keto diet for over year now. Clearly, with being busy, there have to be a few tricks to making KETO work for us. Here are a few tips that help simplify following Keto if you are like me and already have a full plate of life.

Know what your family will eat

No one should waste money on eating food their family won’t eat. The Keto weight loss journey works when you know what your family will eat. Stick to a handful of foods, in the beginning, that you know everyone will love and enjoy. Therefore, you’ll spend less time trying to figure out how to cook and feed your family. I post lots of family-friendly easy Keto recipes that my kids enjoy that might be helpful in your search. You can access all of my Keto/Low Carb recipes in my Keto/Low Carb Recipe Index to find simple meals that your family will love. If you need help getting started, this Keto Grocery List will point you in the right direction. Start off with the essentials then you can build your keto pantry over time. 

Go for the quick items that are easy to eat

Sure, there are Keto meals that take a while to create, but I try to stick to simple. There are also meals and snacks that can be quick. One of our favorite things to do to make Keto work for us, even though we’re busy, is quick snacks and meals like:

There are tons of “quick options” when it comes to finding Keto approved foods, while you’re busy. Often I throw chicken in my Crock-Pot in the morning with a little chicken broth and salt and pepper. When it is done that afternoon, I can add it to easy recipes such as Cheesy Ranch Chicken & Broccoli or BBQ Chicken with Bacon & Cheese. I think the chicken is so much more flavorful and tender after slow cooking all day and I can have a fabulous dinner on the table in a snap. 

Know what to eat when you’re out and about

Chances are if you’re a busy person, you most likely find yourself out and about. From time to time, you may find that eating out is the only option you have. Have a list of foods in your head so you know what you can eat on the go. Are you heading to a drive-through? There are Keto-approved items! Knowing ahead of time can help you stay on plan. Don’t overthink it. I typically stick with a bunless burger, salad, or a nice steak and veggies. 

Make things easier on yourself

Following a Keto weight loss lifestyle is going to be as easy or as hard as you want it to be. Whether you had rather spend an entire day cooking and prepping in advance because it makes it easier for you, or you’d rather pick easy meals and snacks to take on the go, the choice is easy, do what works best for YOU. Finding what works for you means less stress and a greater chance that you will stick to this lifestyle change.

If meal prep sounds daunting, it isn’t necessary to be successful. In fact, I do very little meal prep. Instead, I typically plan my meals once a week then I make extra so that we have enough leftover to cover lunch for a couple of days. Also, in my 5 easy tips to meal prep, you’ll see how I brown ground beef in advance, prep veggies, and cook bacon to make my life easier. By doing so, I can have dinner ready so much faster. If you have kids, especially babies and toddlers, you know how crazy it can get around mealtime anyway. I do everything I can to make mealtime less stressful. 

Busy or not, Keto has some fundamental principles to follow to keep it simple. Don’t over complicate it and stick with the foods you know and love. What tips would you give to a busy person to help make Keto weight loss work for them?



Click here to see the top keto grocery items at Costco.

If you think you might be dealing with a weight loss stall, check out these 10 reasons that may be causing a stall.

Here is an Amazon Keto List for many items you won’t find in your local grocery store and fun snacks.

Keto Meal Plan

Don’t miss this free printable of the Very Best Basic Keto/Low Carb Grocery List.

Keto Meal Plan

Looking for ways to save money? Check out these 10 easy tips for eating Keto on a budget.

Keto Meal Plan

Don’t miss these keto/low carb snacks to help you stay on track.


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